How to make money playing Video Games on your smartphone from the comfort of your home

How to make money playing video games, game controller, game console

I am about to tell you how to generate money playing video games on your smartphone using this website PlaytestCloud, great side hustle if you like playing video games.

If you love to play video games you are going to love it even more if I tell you that you can make money playing and testing new games, no matter if you are amateur or professional, you can earn money on your spare time playing video games, the best part is that you can make $36 Dollars per hour.

First of all, what is PlaytestCloud?.

Is a platform for Game companies to submit the games that they are currently developing or that are in development for testing and need to collect data on how users interact with the games, these Game companies mainly focus in developing games for Android and iPhone, they submit their games to PlaytestCloud in order to get Gamers “real people” to play and give feedback, normally these companies don’t have hundreds of people at their disposal to test their games, that is why they partner with networks like PlaytestCloud to attract large crowds of Gamers, of course nothing in this life is free so they pay people to get their feedback.

Here is how to sign up and start earning money.

Step #1.- Go to (PlaytestCloud . com).

Step #2.- Become a tester, in the upper right corner of the home page you will find the “become a tester” button, click on it.

Here you will need to input some of your personal information so they know what type of video games you play, games that you are best at, your email, location, name, age etc. These information is important so they know exactly what to send you when they have new games to release for testing.

If you scroll dow on the same page, you will find Common Questions, there you can get some more information about the platform, and under How much will I earn? you will find the most important piece of information, a 15 minute playtest and survey will have a reward of $9 USD.

Step #3.- Sign up.

Step #4.- Wait for the qualification email.

Step #5.- Take a qualification test.

Step #6.- Wait for them to send you games to test, and get paid $36 Dollars per hour ($9 per 15 minute game test).

This is a great side hustle if you love playing video games, on top of that PlaytestClud is a safe and trusted network.

Read our previous Side hustle: Make money selling custom Puzzles (Easy side hustle).