Can you make money selling custom jigsaw puzzles?, the answer is Yes!.
If you are bored at home right now here is a really cool business idea to make a lot of money, because of the coronavirus everyone is at home and everyone is bored, so that means more people is shopping online for things like puzzles to keep them entertained, here is how you can be one of the first to jump into this new trend by selling a custom puzzle that no one else is selling and make a lot of money due to the low competition.
Step #1.- Go to
Step #2.- Find an image that you want to convert into a Puzzle, you can use your own original images, clients’ photo or there are many websites that offer Royalty Free images that you can use as many times you want and not need to worry about copyright or any other legal aspects.
Step #3.- Go to, here you will find some additional customization options, choose your product and you are good to start your business or side hustle selling custom jigsaw puzzles.
You can sell them anywhere between $60 to $120 per piece depending on the size, promote on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest.
Remember customer service is very important, answer all your clients’ questions and be professional, make sure they send you high quality images so you don’t have any problems printing. No many people is doing this side hustle right now, be one of the first to make money selling custom jigsaw puzzles.
Read our previous post: Remove backgrounds on photos and make money on Fiverr (Easy side hustle)