Make Money With Small And Local Businesses In Your City

Make Money With Small And Local Businesses

Not many people know about this excellent method of making money with small businesses, to be more exact, 85% of the population of entrepreneurs are unaware of this method, which means that it has no competition and better yet, the profits can be extremely good, I’ll tell you what it consists of.

How can I make money with small and local businesses in my city?

There are many different ways to make money with small and local businesses, but the disadvantage of most is that you need to invest money from your own pocket to be able to generate profits, there is nothing wrong with investing, in fact every business requires some type of investment to be able to start to undertake, I am not here to tell you that you should invest to make money with small and local businesses, on the contrary, what you will learn today is totally free of investment, the only thing you need is to put aside shyness and have ease of speech.

This method consists of contacting small local businesses in your city and offering your promotion service to generate sales, in exchange you will receive a commission for each sale achieved thanks to your promotion, let me explain in more detail.

Every town and city has various types of businesses that other people have established, from small businesses to large corporations, many of these businesses may be doing very well, others may not be doing so well, we will focus on the small and mid size businesses that are not doing so well, we will offer product promotion to generate sales that will benefit the business owner and you.

You may be wondering, how am I going to promote a business without investing money from my pocket? The answer is very simple, using social networks that you use every day and totally free.

What are the steps to follow to make money with small and local businesses?

1.- The first step is to detect businesses that are afloat but are not generating large sales, this step is probably the most difficult but with discipline on your part you can easily achieve it, you can go for a ride by car or bicycle around your city or neighborhood paying attention to the appearance of each business.

2.- The most common sign that a business is not doing very well is the lack of customers. It is very noticeable when a business is not recognized either because of the poor quality of its products or because it does not use better advertising methods. known as marketing, in this second step you can use the powerful tool of Google, a simple look at the comments can give you a better idea of why the business is failing.

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3.- Stay away from businesses with bad products, this is very important since you do not want to waste your time promoting poor quality products that nobody wants to buy, one of the most important points to make money with small and local businesses is the quality of their own products.

4.- Speak directly with the business owner, another very important point is to speak directly with the business owner, avoid giving your promotional speech to an employee because he or she simply does not care, your main objective is to speak directly with the owner, if at the moment of your visit the owner is not there, leave your contact number or come back another time to talk to him or her.

5.- Now it’s time to explain your method of promotion to the business owner. In this step, your ease with words comes into play. The structure of the promotion is quite simple, it consists of promoting products of his/her business in exchange for a commission.

Before starting to promote, make sure you agree on a commission percentage, let’s take a furniture store as an example, this furniture store has several products, one of them is a living room set that costs $1,000 dollars. Suppose you agreed on a commission percentage of 10%, which means that every sale that is achieved under your promotion you will earn $100 dollars, if a $500 item is sold your 10% commission will be $50 dollars.

The same method is used for any type of business, store or product, the important thing is to agree on a percentage and start promoting, you can start with a lower commission percentage and as you gain more experience you can increase your commission percentage, this is the best way to make money with small and local businesses.

Make money without money

6.- Promotion code, to keep track of sales you need to create a reference code that lets the business owner know that the client comes thanks to your promotion, an example of a code can be to use your name plus a reference number whether it’s your birthday or a random number, “Albert25”, “Anthony19”, “Diana33”, you choose the one that best suits you.

It is important to mention to the customer that at the time of making the purchase mention your code so the business owner knows the customer comes from you, to this you can add that he/she will receive a better price by mentioning your code.

7.- Promote on social networks, now is the time to start promoting the business’ products, you can post in Facebook groups, upload posts to Instagram, use buying and selling applications such as OfferUp, Craigslist even write coupons made by hand and distribute them among your friends, neighbors and relatives.

The more eyes look at your publications, the greater the possibility of generating sales under your promotion, this is the best way to make money with small and local businesses. The biggest obstacle is leaving shyness aside, once you achieve your first sales it will serve as motivation to continue promoting, best of all, you do not need to invest to start earning money.

This method of making money with small and local businesses is quite profitable and does not need investment, another way to make money without money is Couch flipping, learn more here.