6 Unique Ways To Make Money Online

6 unique ways to make money online

Are you looking for some different options to make money online?, look no further, we have 6 unique ways to make money online.

Online businesses have become very popular, mainly because it is extremely easy to start your online business, there are thousands of ways to make money, but today we will share with you 6 of the most popular, let’s get started.

#1.- Get paid to watch YouTube videos.

The first way to make money online is getting paid to watch and like YouTube videos. Sounds easy enough, right? One way to make this happen is signing up on websites like (rapidworkers . com) where people are literally paying for your views and likes on specific videos. Don’t expect to become a millionaire overnight doing this, but you can definitely make a few extra dollars depending on how much time you want to dedicate to these small gigs, some tasks will also pay for you to follow them on Twitter.

Most of us spend hours watching videos on YouTube, this is the best way to monetize your time and start making some extra money on your spare time.

#2.- Live stream sports commentary.

The second way to make money online is to live stream sports commentary. Do you already yell at the screen when watching sports? Why not get paid for it! an easy way to do this is by using an app called Hot Mic. This app is available to download on iPhone and android. The app helps you sync everything so your commentary goes along with what is happening in the game you are commenting on, the app generates an unique code that you can share with people (your audience) so they can tune in into your live stream, the more people that join will earn you more money.

The downside is that the site doesn’t give you specifics on how much you’ll get paid per person that joins. If you have a favorite sport or are very knowledgeable in a specific sport, you should definitely give this a try! If you need some inspiration, you can check out different YouTube videos like fight companion, which is a series we’re certain sports events are live-streamed along with commentary from other people. You definitely want to start with something you know and feel comfortable talking about, the more specific the better, that way you’ll have less competition when it comes time for streaming. 

#3.- Upload YouTube videos.

Our third way to make money online is to upload YouTube videos, anyone can upload videos on YouTube, but you need to do something difference to attract viewers. One of the secrets to make videos with topics that people are looking for is to visit Reddit, this platform has thousands of very good topics that no one has talked about on YouTube, find some popular subreddits that you really like and know that have a lot of content being posted everyday.

You will want to find a subreddit that has at least a few million members. You can write your script based on information found on the subreddit, record your video, do some basic editing, add images and a few personal touches to make your video stand out from the rest.

If you need some inspiration or an example there are YouTube channels dedicated to this, one that you can check out is EmKay. Are you are camera shy?, not a problem! You don’t actually have to be in the video you are creating. There is also a channel called Sir Reddit, they have the computer read the post, so it’s not even an authentic voice doing the talking. Check out the videos they’ve done and try to stick to a subreddit that they are not covering, so you won’t have much competition. 

#4 Get paid to play videos games.

Fourth way to make money online is playing video games! Yes, playing video games. There are a few ways to get paid playing video games one of them is playing one versus one, also known as 1v1 games, in order to get paid playing 1v1, you will need to download the app called Play One Up. Sign up, and then you need to create a match.

You can choose random matches playing against strangers or choose the invite option so you can play against someone you know. The gist of this is betting money and the winner takes the prize, there are several popular games (Madden, Fifa, Fortnite, etc.) and platforms that are supported by this app, the app will keep about ten percent of the pot, so keep that in mind. Play with your money wisely!.

There are other ways to play games for free and get paid, we wrote an entire article talking about this subject, you can read it here: Make money playing video games on your smart phone.

#5.- Become a video game coach.

Our fifth way to make money online is to become a video game coach, this will only work for you if you are really good at playing video games. People will literally pay you to coach them, there are two ways to become a video game coach:

  1. Create your own website and social media to promote this business.
  2. The easiest way is to apply to be a coach (Sensei) on (gamersensei . com). Assuming you are accepted, you’ll be able to set your rate and schedule to suit your needs, this will generate some good money.

#6.- Get paid to create playlists.

The last way to make money online is by creating playlists. This is designated for the music lovers out there! If you are really great at creating playlists, you can actually get paid for it. To get paid creating playlists first you need to visit (Playlistpush . com) and sign up.

What is Playlistpush?

Playlistpush is a platform that connects independent artists with curators, this helps artists promote their music by submitting their songs to active playlists that have followers. Playlist push pay the curator (you) to listen and review songs, if you like it, you can consider adding it to your playlist. To qualify as curator you need to own a playlist like Spotify with real followers, you will need to have a few hundred or a few thousand followers on your playlists to be accepted, qualified playlists can earn up to $12 per song review.

You can also make money using TikTok, if you have a good number of followers you can log in to Playlist push, check out the available sounds, find the song you like create the video and upload it to TikTok, then submit a link to your video and you’ll receive your payment.

The structure of Playlist push is very simple, they want to promote artists wanting to become popular, and to do this they need people like you with a big audience so they can reach more people, and of course, nothing in this life is free so they pay you to promote their songs.

Which was your favorite way to make money online? Let us know in the comment section below.

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