Make Thousands Of Dollars Per Month Selling Amazon Kindle eBooks.

Make Money Selling Amazon Kindle eBooks

Did you know that people are making thousands of Dollars per month selling Amazon Kindle eBooks? Well now is your chance!.

Become an Amazon Publisher Author and make passive income off of your creativity selling Amazon Kindle eBooks.

Children’s eBooks are very popular and very easy to write and publish, you can write for any audience and choose the subject of your book, it’s all up to you, I will show you the steps on how to do it using a Children’s book as example. 

Step #1.- First you’ll want to head to, click the little hamburger (3 horizontal lines) on the upper right hand side, and go down to “Kindle, e-reader, and books” and click “Kindle books”

Step #2.- Scroll down and click on “children’s ebooks” 

Step #3.- Browse through the top selling books for inspiration. Books for Children sell between $5 – $10 Dollars each!, remember you’re writing a children’s book, so you’ll want to keep your book under 100 words.

Step #4.- You’ll want to pick a title for your book. Typically you’re going to want some sort of animal as part of your title. 

Step #5.- Now that you have a title it’s time to write the story. Keep it short and interesting. Bonus points if you can make it rhyme!. Don’t want to write the book yourself? You can also hire a ghost writer. 

Step #6.- Once your story is written head over to (fiverr . com) and search for “kids books illustrations”. Here you can hire someone to illustrate your book for a super affordable price.  

Step #7.- Head over to (KDP . amazon . com) and they will walk you through the steps of getting your book published and uploaded to their website.

Once your book is on the market, do some promoting and start making sales!, you don’t need to do extra work once your book is published, you will be making money in your sleep for the next 5 years. This is how many people are making thousands of dollars selling Amazon Kindle eBooks, the best part of this side hustle is that requires little effort and will generate passive income.  

Did you know you can make money on YouTube without showing your face?, learn more.