Get paid to share YouTube videos | Copy, Paste and Share YouTube Links | Money Online

get paid to share YouTube videos, best youtube side hustle to earn money online

Did you know you could get paid to share YouTube videos for other people to watch?.

This is an amazing way to make money online that not many people know, I am about to show you how you can make money simply by sharing others’ YouTube videos, this is an awesome way to make passive income online. You don’t have to download the videos, you don’t have to create the videos, you don’t have to be in the video, all you have to do is simply share a video in a Niche, whether it be weight loss, bodybuilding, cooking, finance, wealth, anything you can think of it does not matter.

How do you get paid to share YouTube videos?, How does this work?

The structure of this Hustle is very simple, you will earn ad revenue by sharing the link, you simply need to share your unique link associated with the video on all your social networks or anywhere on the web and get paid, here’s how to get started. 

Step #1.- Choose a Niche, there are many Niches to choose from, finance, wealth, bodybuilding, cooking it’s up to you.

Step #2.- Go to YouTube and choose a video, (Pro tip) choose a popular video, don’t choose videos that have just a few views, focus on videos with hundreds of thousands or million views.

Step #3.- Copy the link of the video, in the lower right corner of the video you will see the “Share” button, click on it and copy the link that pops up.

make money on youtube without uploading videos

Step #4.- Head over to (shrtfly . com), another popular network similar to shrtfly is (okeio . com) both networks pay you ad revenue to share links, choose the one that suits you best.

Step #5.- Register and create an account, once you log in to your account, you will have access to your Dashboard, paste the link you copied from YouTube, then click “shorten”, the system will generate a unique link for you.

Step #6.- Copy your unique link, so you can go off into the internet and share it. 

Your job is to share your unique link to drive traffic to the video, when people click on your link they will see an ad, once they see the ad they will be re-directed to YouTube to watch the video, shrtfly will register all the ad views coming from you links and will pay you a percentage of the revenue generated by the ads, simple as that. The more people that watch your video with the ads the more money you will make.

You can create as many links as you want, try different videos and different Niches the more links you share the better. Here is where creativity comes in handy, don’t just rely on social networks to share your links, you can also create a website specifically designated to share your links, it will be much easier to drive traffic to one place with all of your links. 

Pro Tip, an easy way to get people to click your links is to find forums related to the topic or Niche of your video, simply go to Goggle look for forums and share your links, Facebook groups are also easy ways to get traffic, there are many other options out there to share your links the sky is the limit, start making money today!.

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